
Canada’s First Truffle Farm & Lagotto Romagnolo Breeders

A Farm Rebrand & Website: The Truffle Farm

The Truffle Farm needed a fresh new brand and website design. With little computer knowledge, they relied on us to help guide them in their business online presence. We helped not only with web design, but we also helped re-design their whole brand, set up all their online social media and necessary accounts, marketing, and more.

The Project That Grows With Their Dreams

The Truffle Farm Rebrand & Website Design

The Truffle Farm came to us through a customer referral. They knew they needed some website design services and also wanted a complete rebrand. 

They didn’t know what they wanted for a rebrand, and relied on us for our consultation for what might be their options and we helped guide them according to their desires, history and overall personality. 

At first they just were branded as a dog breeding service. As their business grows, they are also adding unique experiences with it and really showcasing what we think is the most interesting feature of their business: Canadian Truffle Farming.

This means they needed a solution that looked great and resonated well with their current services of Lagotto Romagnolo (Truffle hunting dogs) breeding and truffle farming. 

They also needed their overall brand and website design to be able to scale with them and still look on brand for when they open up their business to be a unique Truffle experience of accommodation, classes, tours, and more. 

Project Facts


Agroculture Farming Websites


Agriculture and Tourism Experiences


  • New Brand Re-Design
  • Branded Business Package
  • Website Design
  • Website Form Design
  • Copywritten S.E.O. Optimized Content
  • Marketing Services on Launch

Launch Date

September 2022

Website Link

The Challenge

The Truffle Farm owners came to us through a referral, and they did not know much about the direction they wanted to go in for their brand, but they had plans for their business.

They needed to rely on Increase Web Design to guide them through the whole process of designing a brand that resonated well with them, and their target audience. 

Along with that, they needed a functional website. Something that looked great, performed well and automated some of their day to day customer service tasks.

  • Old brand, needing redesign
  • Old processes needed to be streamlined through online technology
  • New name needed
  • Brand needs to seamlessly uphold for future addition of unique tourism experiences
  • Brand and overall design needs to be clean, functional, perform well
  • Website needs to be clean, perform well, hold lots of information and be easy to add their new services

The Solution

We guided The Truffle Farm owners through the process in non-technical communication virtually, and in person. They did not know anything about websites or how to go about rebranding so we helped guide them with non-technical communication that they could easily understand.

With this communication we were able to come to a brand that they loved that also has a feel of their overall history. From that brand, we designed all the branded materials they would need for their business for now and in the future.

Their website needed a functional and easy to use form to replace all the paper mailing forms, and the website needed to be clean and easy to use for customers. 

  • New company name consultation
  • New brand design
  • Brand that will last and seamlessly age well with their transition to tourism experiences
  • Website that’s easy and functional
  • Content created according to their specifications, and added as needed

Project Gallery

Websites Designed To Get Results

Ready To Get Started?

Our websites are designed analytically according to your customer and company profiles.

We design them with maximizing your conversion rates in mind, with designs that relate well to your target audience and information architecture that is designed to convert those website visitors into customers.

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Check Out Our Other Projects

Making a decision as big as your business online presence can be daunting and confusing. Please feel welcome to browse our other case studies, or reach out and we will be happy to talk it out with you via phone or email.